Fair Days

August 4, 2017

With fall comes, not only school days, but also the fair.  As July ends, and August begins, Fairbanks now has a couple of weeks of fun, food, and fantastic entertainment.  Golden Wheels Carnival is in full swing with lots of rides.  Thankfully, the weather has been cooperative.





Be careful if you instill a love of fair entries into your children:  it will perpetuate!  My daughter has always enjoyed winning a ribbon or two, as well as some cash rewards, so before she ventured out for a vacation, she packed a box of fair entries and begged me to deliver them on the due date, which of course, I, as a good mother did.

The Tanana Valley Fair theme is “Raven about the Fair”.  Each day of the fair focuses on a theme as well–mining, seniors, kids, military, and this year a new one–“Think Pink”.  The dates are August 4-13.  Gates open at noon.


If you enjoy admiring the handiwork of others, there are beautifully decorated cakes (this year with ravens on them, in keeping with the theme, carefully stitched quilts, intricately woven clothing–a myriad on display.  Perhaps you would like to see just how big a cabbage can grow–visit the exhibit hall for vegetables and flowers.   Then of course, there are the animals–horses, rabbits, pigs, goats, with their owners all looking to win that blue ribbon.

The midway, and oh, the food–that killer shrimp, the elephant ears, roasted corn on the cob and a myriad of other culinary delights. Vendors with the latest and greatest of gadgets, art, and health aids.   Non-stop musical entertainment from country pickin’ to rock and classic–did I mention the bungee jump?

Come on out and join us.  Run into old friends and meet some new–you are bound to find something to your liking.