Hunker Down

January 28, 2013

On the way home from church this morning, I chuckled at the line of cars waiting at the entrance to University. Three or four cars were lined up/turning around to take their pictures in front of the time and temperature marquee. adventuresome souls will leap out of their vehicles in tee shirts, shorts, even bathing suits to pose in front of the sign.

There really was no need to rush to the sign, as the temperature didn’t even rise above -40 F, but only vacillated between -43 F and   -40  F today. Usually, there is a slight elevation in temperature, but this is one of those extremely ice-fogged -in-days.

It was a good weekend to stay close to home and occupy one’s time catching up on the news, watching a movie, or otherwise engage in warm indoor activities. I believe the group that schedules a retreat for the last weekend in January every year has figured this out. It is definitely a good time to work on quilts and cross stitch projects.

If you determine to fight the instinct to stay inside and conserve energy, you may find your car may think otherwise.   This Saturday,  just in our parking lot alone, 5 individuals had car issues; we just pushed one car into a garage bay to allow it to warm up in our garage where we emptied a space to defrost and diagnose why it wouldn’t start after 24 hours of being plugged in.

Man against the elements:  this, too, seems to be one of those requirements to be a “true Alaskan.”  At least that’s what my kids tell me when I prefer to stay inside and keep warm.